Business Domain
We supporting industries across the world through precision technology and Combined power of three businesses, ranging from measurement to fine manufacturing process.
We produce ball screws and drive related equipments using technology cultivated through thread gauge production. Ballscrew actuators and X-Y stages are also produced by compactly unitizing drive related equipments, as well as the ball screw production group such as ultra-precise ball screws. We are actively working on creation toward automated equipments of the future.
We produce press tools/progressive carbide dies specialized for motor cores and other lamination products, leveraging our precision technology. Our FASTEC® system enables blanking, rotation/skewing, stacking, measuring and assembly within the press process. We also make lamination products using our press tool optimized for customers’ specific requirements. We help you realize high performance products such as energy-efficient motors with our precision technology.
We produce various measurement insruments machine tools, and special tools that enable measurement and processing with ultra-precision and high accuracy, based on the gauge technology that we have cultivated as the first manufacturer specialized in gauges. KURODA supports every industry with "precision" as we continue in our challenge to achieve "zero error."